Why Nanotera Group's Biosolutions?

Nanotera BioSurfactants & BioSolvents provide economic and environmental advantages such as:

  • Safer for the environment, safer to use
  • Safer and easier to recycle/reuse or dispose of
  • Cost-competitive
  • Recyclable
  • Scalable for large volume production  
  • Produced from renewable, natural feedstocks
  • Economically sustainable
  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Performance under extreme conditions
  • Similarly effective as traditional chemical products
  • Non-reactive biosurfactants, performance tested biosolvents
  • Client supported, product supported R&D teams


Introducing ULTRA FINE BUBBLE technology - opening revolutionary new solutions for water treatment.


Learn more about our WASTE TO ENERGY zero-emission, state-of-art solutions to change world's waste problems.


Discover how our ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY environmental friendly solutions improve production yield and reduce operating costs.


Presenting our SOIL REMEDIATION and OIL DRILLING WASTE eco-friendly solutions for a cleaner and safer environment.