Nanotera Group’s solutions for global aquaculture

Nanotera Group proposes cost-effective and UFB Water solutions to aquaculture sector. By utilising the properties of Ultra Fine Bubbles to increase productivity, we reduce adverse environmental that would typically result from the concentration of organic waste, nutrients, antibiotics and chemicals.

UFBs significantly increase dissolved oxygen that is vital for fish growth and health. UFB water oxidises pollutants and activates local micro-biology to clean the water. UFBs also ‘float’ suspended solids, making their collection easier and avoid future algal blooms.

As for surface water cleaning, UFBs full potential can be used for cleaning the water and in addition, promotes the growth of fish, the whole without environmental impact and eliminating the need for any chemicals.


  • No chemicals required, UFBs stimulate and enhance natural biological treatment process
  • Enhance oxidisation of pollutants
  • Decrease nitrogen and phosphorus concentration
  • Promote the growth of healthier fish
  • Cost effectiveness, with low energy consumption
  • Algae bloom prevention



Introducing ULTRA FINE BUBBLE technology - opening revolutionary new solutions for water treatment.


Learn more about our WASTE TO ENERGY zero-emission, state-of-art solutions to change world's waste problems.


Discover how our ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY environmental friendly solutions improve production yield and reduce operating costs.


Presenting our SOIL REMEDIATION and OIL DRILLING WASTE eco-friendly solutions for a cleaner and safer environment.